Yaro Love is very different than I think!!!! You need time to understand that is it love or not???? But I got some new things, some new facts. love is the relation of the hearts and during this relation no communication media is needed. Even by using the face expression we can just express our 16,000+ feelings. Seems very stranger na and also amazing!!! I was also shocked to know that but after falling in love with ‘Silent Girl’ I knew that love never needs any kind of conversations, any kind of talk but even a silence can help you to talk and when such thing occurs than the threads of love are join to two hearts directly. Such time you can not distinguish that feelings and later on when you know that, you are shocked but the true love is feel by heart and I also do the same!!! Might be I was very late to understand that I am in love with her but some facts are in front of me! Now I need her every time and like I am addicted. She is my aim; my goal might be a reason to live the life. I am finding every where but she is in my heart and the heart always says that you will get her! Because there is nothing like luck you made your own present and own future. You every action are trigger by your previous action. That’s why we can say that every thing end with zero and that is decided by the nature ‘The GOD’. Life repeats a same path than it is also a big zero and it seems like a ordinary life but you have any targets to achieve than it is adventurous and such life I want to live that’s why my goal is to get my love my “SILENT GIRL” and to achieve that target I can do any thing and I will get her she is always with me and I will always with her if not like that then just one word I will say ‘I QUIT’. You all must be laugh on me that only for a girl you are going to die but the fact is that she is only a girl for the world but she is world for this crazy man. Might be she said me that she will love a person and do arrange marriage. I do not mind to marry her I am ready. But she never understands it. She might not know that I am in search of love a person who understand me and whom I can but she will soon know it when I express my feeling on knee with a red flower!! But she is my best friends. and its my love that keep me close to her.
वो लड़की बहोत खूबसुरत है क्यों पता है क्योंकि वो दिल की साफ है उसके पास जो है उसका उसे कोई अभिमान नहीं है मेरे शब्दों में कहे तो सरल है और पगली भी जो सदा हंसती रहती है और मुजेभी हंसाती रहती है मुजे गम से उसने बेखबर कर दिया है, भगवान विष्णु को हरि कहते है पता है क्यों क्यों कि वो आपसे आपके पाप तथा विपत्ति चुरा लेते है हर लेते है वैसे ही वो “SILENT GIRL” ने मेरे सारे गम चुरा लिये है और मुस्कुराने की एक वजह दी है। मैं उससे क्यों प्यार करता हुं वजह तो मैं भी नहीं जानता पर दिल से पल भर के लिए उसका ख्याल नहीं जाता चारो प्रहर बस उसी के बारे में सोचता हुं वो क्या कर रही होगी, कहाँ होगी, क्या सोच रही होगी, मुस्कुरा रही होगी यही सोचता हुं। तु क्या है इससे मुजे कोई मतलब नहीं बस तु मेरी है इससे मतलब है। कभी खुदसे ही लड़ता हुं, दिमाग कहता है कि तु मुजसे नाराज़ है और दिल कहेता है कि तु कहीं काम में है इस मामले में तेरी जीत होती है जो कि मेरी ही जीत है । तेरी खुशी से मेरी खुशी है और तेरे गम से है मेरे गम
हमारे वेदो में लिखा है कि हम 64,000 करोड़ बार ईस दुनिया में पैदा होते है और मैं उस खुदा से बस एक ही चीज मांगुगा कि वो मुजे हर जनम में तेरे साथ ही रखे किसी भी सिरत में किसीभी सुरत में, मैं सिर्फ सात मनुष्यो के जन्ममें तेरे साथ नहीं रहना चाहता पर हर एक जीवन तेरे साथ बीताना चाहता हुं.