15 November 2011

Earning of my Life: BEST BUDDYS & LOVE

What is precious any one know?? I got many answer from the people around me. Some of the answer were MONEY, GOLD, SLIVER. but according to me its not precious as much as i got it's my best buddy who care for me and how can i forget my love(s. the reason of the 's' will you know later.). Because i strongly believe that there is nothing precious than happiness. Happiness is only one medicine it works everywhere. How to know the value of that moments spend with your beloved one? It's quite simple think of that moment if you got any feelings like smile or it can make you to cry that its precious moments.

I will disclose the secrete identity of love. And full identity of my best buddy the way we live life can be ordinary but the person who are close to me are extraordinary. Life is too small to achieve all the goals because at that place we want to earn but when we are talking about the relation than we are wiling to loss every thing. The relation are most complex to understand because the person we are humans. We can identify the person by our sense and interpret them but the brain doesn't accept every thing but later when we realize that it is a special relation......

We can not identify among the friends..... Whom we trust most ? But have many ideas to identify. The person whom we trust most is best buddy. The person who feels you and your state of mind is your best buddy. The person who makes you laugh when you are crying is your best buddy. Best buddy is more precious according to me because if a enemy wish to attack he have to find weak points of you but best buddy is a  person who knows every thing about you, your weakness, your strength and still he/she  is not doing that.

"  When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your BEST BUDDY will be there""

" A BEST BUDDY is one who knows you and loves you just the same."

हमेंशा हलातसे मजबुर था और खुशियों से भी दूर था, लेकिन मेरे अपनोनें मेरी जींदगी के माईने बदल दिये... इस बदलाव की प्रक्रिया में मुख्य रुपसे हाथ इन लोगों का रहा...

1. मेरे माता-पिता ( PARENTS )

2. मेरे प्यारे दोस्त (BEST BUDDYS)

3. मेरा प्यार को कैसे भूल सकता हुं..... ( LOVE )

सायद कुछ पा न सकुं तो मुजे उसका गम होता,
हर गममें तेरा पास होना मेरे लिये क्या कम होता,
कैसे भूल जाउमैं वो अपनोका अपनापन पलभरके लिए,
तु न होता तो मेरे आंखो का कोना आज नम होता.

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