Hi my Friend who fight with me,
Many times we did not know what we had said and what we feel by heart but that all is our love and our feeling that make us right and wrong !!! i told you all but you never tried to understand my any kind of solutions that's why now i do not want to give any suggestion to you because suggestion must be given to that person who follow it even try it but you just throw it away so i decide to not say any thing now. i was thinking i need good friends and i got them all but even i am awaiting fore some one who admire me to achieve the best and that friend is in my life!
you might now know what friendship is ! it is very typical to be a good friend because you have to be involved in your friend's every kind of activity might be it is good or bad and might be it gives happiness and sorrow but that's the thing that you have to there with him. the Friend ship is second tough call after parents. its not easy to be a good friend. every conversation mad you know your friend better.
Just for Few rupees you break that old friendship that's not good thing. if you are able to buy a 5,000 INR mobile than it is surly possible that you can give 500 more but you did not do that that hurts me and so that i am not talking to you. and another reason is that you told Someone that Mishra is making us to quarrel that is not right even you think that what i will get if you both will fight!! may be you can not understand your friends that's why you said that. I do not mind on that but i mind on your thinking that why i am not talking to you! might be your mind changes than call me i will be there with you !
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