21 December 2011

Facing the truth

I was just a day before watching " SACH KA SAMANA". A amazing serial that works with the polygraph test to identify that the person's Statement is TRUE or FALSE. I seen the people are speaking truth but partial. something is still hidden. The truth appear in-front of us is good but still having some hidden side. According me only the person can go there who is
1. A person who never did anything wrong in life
2. A person who doesn't have fear to loose any thing.
3. A person who is ready to loose everything for the truth.

It is very complicated word TRUTH. have lot definitions available  but according to me "TRUTH is a thing or a event that happened.". I have seen many thing and realize that truth is subject to blog hence posting a new view might be old but for me its new.
in other words truth is "That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality"

The best beniftit of the truth is you never have to remember what u have said. because as we know the truth is only one and have only one face but the untruth or the falsehood have many faces hence truth is better to have because we have to remember less.

I was reading a sanskrit book and found a nice poem(SLOK) in it. that says....

तस्याग्निर्जलमर्णवः स्थलमरिर्मित्रं सुराः किंकराः
कान्तारं नगरं गिरि र्गृहमहिर्माल्यं मृगारि र्मृगः ।
पातालं बिलमस्त्र मुत्पलदलं व्यालः श्रृगालो विषं
पीयुषं विषमं समं च वचनं सत्याञ्चितं वक्ति यः ॥

अर्थात् जो सत्य वचन बोलता है, उसके लिए अग्नि जल बन जाता है, समंदर जमीन बन जाती है, शत्रु मित्र बन जाता है, देव सेवक बन जाते है, जंगल नगर बन जाता है, पर्वत घर बन जाता है, साँप फूलों की माला बन जाता है, सिंह हिरन बन जाता है, पाताल दर बन जाता है, अस्त्र कमल बन जाता है, शेर लोमडी बन जाता है, ज़हर अमृत बन जाता है, और विषम सम बन जाते हैं ।

सच कहा गया है कि सच बोलने के लिए बहोत हिम्मत चाहिए । क्योंकि सच कठिन परीक्षा लेता है और बहुत कष्ट देता है, सच की तो बस एक ही पहेचान होती है जो वो खुद बयां कर देता है। सत्य कि पहेचान तो तुरंत ही हो जाती है क्योंकि सत्य तो अंतर अत्मा है और आत्मा ही परमब्रह्म है, और लोग कहेते है इश्वर (परमब्रह्म) ही सत्य है, सत्यको कोई खरीद नहीं सकता क्योंकि सत्य तो अनमोल है बेसकिमती है, सत्य को केवल सत्य ही खरीद सकता है और समझ सकता है ।

12 December 2011

MCA a review

When ever the term study appears against me i feel like heaven. but when i am talking about the MCA is hell. few reason i can see that are the major defect of the current system that are being learned by me. soon i will add it in this post. as i am suffering with the examination of 5th semester of MCA and today one paper is completed. That is Software Engineering . i have lot to write but time is short will add more things.

15 November 2011

B'day of my best buddy : Parul

It's 15th of November 2011 and its birthday of my best buddy (& My elder Sis too), almost amazing day, full of happiness but bit problems like she was bit ill due to the weather but we had good time, Me,Parul, Tejal, Radhika, Adi were there to celebrate, we had cake from the TGB it was nice made of mixture of Vanilla and chocolate cake and that was fantastic and the gift was really amazing selected by Tejal. it was Magic Mug, as we pour some hot liquid like tea or coffee then the image on the mug will be available clearly else the image will be disappear. The day was amazing and we planned for the movie but had problem with the selection of movie hence we postpone the movie and planned for the next upcoming movie had lot fun.

Earning of my Life: BEST BUDDYS & LOVE

What is precious any one know?? I got many answer from the people around me. Some of the answer were MONEY, GOLD, SLIVER. but according to me its not precious as much as i got it's my best buddy who care for me and how can i forget my love(s. the reason of the 's' will you know later.). Because i strongly believe that there is nothing precious than happiness. Happiness is only one medicine it works everywhere. How to know the value of that moments spend with your beloved one? It's quite simple think of that moment if you got any feelings like smile or it can make you to cry that its precious moments.

I will disclose the secrete identity of love. And full identity of my best buddy the way we live life can be ordinary but the person who are close to me are extraordinary. Life is too small to achieve all the goals because at that place we want to earn but when we are talking about the relation than we are wiling to loss every thing. The relation are most complex to understand because the person we are humans. We can identify the person by our sense and interpret them but the brain doesn't accept every thing but later when we realize that it is a special relation......

We can not identify among the friends..... Whom we trust most ? But have many ideas to identify. The person whom we trust most is best buddy. The person who feels you and your state of mind is your best buddy. The person who makes you laugh when you are crying is your best buddy. Best buddy is more precious according to me because if a enemy wish to attack he have to find weak points of you but best buddy is a  person who knows every thing about you, your weakness, your strength and still he/she  is not doing that.

"  When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your BEST BUDDY will be there""

" A BEST BUDDY is one who knows you and loves you just the same."

हमेंशा हलातसे मजबुर था और खुशियों से भी दूर था, लेकिन मेरे अपनोनें मेरी जींदगी के माईने बदल दिये... इस बदलाव की प्रक्रिया में मुख्य रुपसे हाथ इन लोगों का रहा...

1. मेरे माता-पिता ( PARENTS )

2. मेरे प्यारे दोस्त (BEST BUDDYS)

3. मेरा प्यार को कैसे भूल सकता हुं..... ( LOVE )

सायद कुछ पा न सकुं तो मुजे उसका गम होता,
हर गममें तेरा पास होना मेरे लिये क्या कम होता,
कैसे भूल जाउमैं वो अपनोका अपनापन पलभरके लिए,
तु न होता तो मेरे आंखो का कोना आज नम होता.

09 November 2011

Creation of ezinfosoft

I wonder its so long to use the blog. i was very far from the blog and it all was due to my study but now back, with more work and more responsibility. because being human i have to do many things, not only study, but its duty to serve the human.in social way, official way so we (me and my two friends) decided to build a company.initial plan to generate the revenue and later to do R&D which helps the mankind.

when ever i am concern with the job i was always thinking that what will be future of the job at the time of such bad time for the industry but the faith was still their but still no plan to join MNC. because of i want to make my own company and that i did. Me and my two friends made this company named as EzInfoSoft for not just to gain a experience but want to generate a success story. Name of my friends is Dipan Kadia and Keyul Modi. we decided to work together. and want learn lot about the future and how to run a company

our area of interest is not just a website or a system but its more than it. we want to create a ideal solution to the generation. so we call it "ideas for future". its easy to build society but tough to make civilized society. We here at EzInfoSoft want to develop that thing. if we can contribute at lest 0.01% even it is enough than more

Specially my view behind the IT is not only the coding or programming but i hardly believe
that the core development is also needed there. I want to work on automation that favor the humans and also serve the human in ethical way.
always there are many opportunity but i don't want to choose them i want to work hard. I am not a opportunist.
My area of intrest or the knowledge of software domain is

  • 3ds Max

  • Adobe Flash

  • Adobe After Effect

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Dreamweaver

  • Adobe Premiere

  • Asp.Net

  • VB.Net

  • Core Java

  • Android

  • HTML with Jquery and CSS

This is my knowledge domain. but still want to learn more. because i want not to join a MNC i want to build my own. One day i am sure the handwork of me and my friends will generate a new success story that is

EzInfoSoft India Pvt. Ltd.

03 October 2011

Birthday of my best buddy : RICHU

This is 3rd OCT 2011 and unforgotten day, because it was Rashmi's birthday,My best buddy, my cute "sister in law(:p)" we celebrate in our own way we were only 3 to celebrate me,Rashmi and Teju. We planned a lot but didn't follow it and at the last moment we decided to do some thing that was not planned.

We fist had cake cutting at her home later on we plan to move on and hence we go to the Himalaya Mall. and had some food there at MC Donalds at the same place and later we went to the Cinema and seen the movie at BIG CINEMA. the movie was bit comedy we enjoy it. the movie was "HUM TUM AUR SABANA". Later we had lunch at the Jungle restaurant at the Himalaya mall. it was amazing experience there. we had dosa, pau Bhaji der. as i was on the fast of NAVRATRI i had fries only. over all day was amazing.

just at the end i want to wish my bestu again


20 July 2011

Best Hangout

The last two sequential day were amazing we had lots of enjoyment this days. It was amazing because this day we visit two places and that are Science City and Indroda Park. after visiting the Science city we seen Happy Potter: the deathly Halloweens 2(Hindi: हेरी पोटर: मौत के तोहफे़ -2), and on the other day means today on 20th of July we visited Vaishno devi Temple, Adalaj Step Well and Indroda Park after this all we has seen Zindagi na milegi dobara (Hindi: ज़िन्दगी ना मिलेगी दोबारा).

Life is always more than we aspect but when we are happy no one can hit us. The Hangout or to wonder is my passion and when it is with some friends its amazing. this days i visited the place Gandhinagar. the people come with me were Tej, Pari, Fruity, Sweet Radhu and cutie Adi.

The Sequence of day was quite amazing.The day were 19-07-2011 and 20-07-2011. it was the hang out that i will never gonna forget. amazing time and amazing sigh seeing. it was a experience that can be felt rarely. The occasion was nice and during this some news came that make me feel like i was in heaven this two days.

DAY 1 (19-JUL-2011)

On the 1St day we all went to the Science City with plan to visit the science city and then we had plan to see the movie at that place but due to the IMAX had the english version we didn't seen there. So we just rome around, seen the models Conservation of the energy and the Ride of the Space Shuttle was amazing the later part was to give the feeling like we were on the Mars it feel good . We had some food over the science city and later on we move to the Cinemax, DevArc to watch the movie Harry Potter and the deathly Halloweens- II. we see the movie, this was 1st time when we reach to watch some movie before the time that it starts.The movie finished by 7.30 and we move to the home later on plan for the next day's activity. We plan to visit the Akshardham and the Gandhinagar.

DAY 2 (20-JUL-2011)

On the second day we move to gandhinagar by car form the S.G. Highway route. And from there we 1st Visit to the Vaishnodevi a lookalike place of the real vaishnodevi at the S.G.Highway. The Temple was nice to experience i visited this twice before but this experience was different than that because i visited with Family and now with friends. then we went to the Adalaj Step well have passed some time.We had good time there and click lot,This Step well was made by the Maharaja Jaysing for the people of the village in case of the No rain or help to provide the water to drink, during this time every one were hungry so we went to the Vrundavan Restorent at gota chokadi. and the plan was to visit the akshardham and also indroda Park. so after the lunch we move to the Indroda Park at 2.00PM . Passed time over there click dinosaur model and have pic with them. This is my 2nd visit to indroda park but it was fabulous. i remind this one more than the last one. it was 3.30 and we had hope that there must be some show available now so we went to City Pluse Gandhinagar. but unfortunately the show time was of 5.00PM. so we have to wait we took the tickets of the "Zindagi na Milegi dobbara" and waiting for the time. During this time when i was waiting i got my result and that was i cleared the exam with 7.39 CPI. we enjoy movie there. The next plan was to visit the Akshardham it was almost 8.00 and every one were exhausted and too much tired so decided not to visit. and move back to home.